วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

my song

I'm always too lateI
see the train leaving
I'm always laughing
When it's not cool to smile

I'm always aiming
But somehow keep missing
So how did you get here
Something is wrong

Where did I go right
How did I get you
How come all this blue sky is around me
And you found me
Where did I go right
How did I get you
I don't know how I did
But somehow now I do

I'm always driving
Forget where I'm going
Should have turned left
But I was singing some song
And I, I am arriving
As everyone's leaving
But there you are waiting
Something is wrong


Makes no sense to me
No it isn't clear
But somehow you're standing here
Something gets to me
It's that nothing is wrong


My song that I choose name is “Where did I go right?” sang by Hilary Duff. The meaning of this
song is the life of a woman who is not a perfect person and never do things right such as she’s always miss the train and she never succeed in any project that she plan to do or when she goes to driving she’s always forget that where she want to go even though she’s always laughing in the wrong time. One day a man comes into her life and changes everything. She couldn’t believe that her life will get better. Start from she’s always arrive late at the party and everybody is leaving but he still waiting for her. Because of love make a new her. I choose this song because I like the meaning and the rhythm of this song. It’s like she is an unlucky person that never do the right things until a man comes, he’s like the light that makes everything brightly her life. I think that thing that happen to these woman is ordinary life and the meaning is simple and can happen to anyone who falling in love. Love can change people and can change the world.

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My Parent’s Opinion

In the world there are many kind of people and many kind of thinking because one of a part when they were young they heard that what their parents think about things. They remember that and think that what their parent think is correctly thing such as if their parent think that corruption is good and their child think that it’s good too maybe in the future their child will be corrupted.

Sometimes when I have a problem I will go to my parents and tell them about my problem then I will tell them to help me solve that problem. Sometimes my parents didn’t help me but they talk about what they think and they let me decided to do it. They told me that you need not to do everything that I told you because something that I told you maybe it was wrong.

My parents think that the society today is bad because people want to do everything to make them rich so some people will do a bad thing if it’s easy to get money. My parents think that they want to leave out from Thailand and live in other country because they think that other country will be better than Thailand, they have a fresh air, on high building and have a good law. People in that country attend with the law such as when people cross the road in a crosswalk every car must be stop and let people go but in Thailand no people cross the road in a crosswalk or flyover that is my parent thought and I agree with them too.

I think that I always agree with my parent thought because when they think about something they have enough reason to let me agree with their opinion.

วันอังคารที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you do something special or important?

When I do something special and show it to other people it makes me feel very nervous and worried because I am afraid that I will make a mistake or didn’t do it good enough. Such as when I have a concert I feel very nervous and worried so I make a lot of mistakes. After that I feel very bad because I did it well before a concert so I think I will do it good but it wasn’t be good like I expected and it makes my parents feel disappointed too.

The same as when I do an important thing, I feel very nervous and worried too, because the thing that I have to do is an important thing, so I should do it best. Such as when I have an exam I should get a good mark because my parents will be happy and also me too, but if I expect a lot about that I will never do it good. Or when I have to do an important thing for other people they will expect that I will make it good but if I can’t do it, I will make them feel disappointed and they won’t trust me anymore. So I will be very upset and I not want to do it again.

So I think if I didn’t do an important and special thing nobody will be disappointed in me but I know that it isn’t a good thing because I will avoid it forever. Now I find the problem about why I always feel nervous and not confident? So if I can find it I will solve the problem and I won’t make a mistake again. Such as if I feel nervous before a concert because I haven’t practiced enough I will spend more time for practicing my music. But if I have practice enough but I make a mistake on the stage I have to learn how to solve it by myself.

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Many countries have different culture such as how to eat or how to greet and I think every country has their own good culture and its makes the culture be come the identity of their country.

I think that if many countries have different culture it is good because it will make me learn about the culture of that country? If I want to go to the other country and I know about the culture of that country I will not be different from other people. I think culture is the main thing to tell people about what a country is? I think if every country has the same culture it will not make people come to your country because it’s not interesting, if every country have the same food, same greeting and same tradition I think it’s very boring.

When I went to other countrys in the holiday I saw their culture, some culture I liked and some culture I didn't like but it doesn’t mean that I will not come to this country again because it is a new thing that I can’t find in my country and I think maybe it is a better lesson than study in the classroom because I study from the real thing and it lets me know more about the world.

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expects of me

Now I am a young person and becoming an adult. My parents always say to me that in the future the society will be hard to survive in because there are many people in the world and they will compete to survive. My parents expect me to study hard and try to fight for myself. I don’t like to compete with the people but my parents say that sometimes you have to compete for yourself otherwise people will take advantage from you.

Anyway I am not a top student of the class but I can do another thing to prove that I have something good, it is violin, I have played it since I was in P.2.But I didn’t like to do it so much, I just think that I can do it better than other things. My parent expect me to do it better so sometimes they want me to compete with other student that play violin too but I don’t like to compete with them so I will be upset about that. It makes me think that I want to stop playing violin and study hard. How about you? Have you ever felt like this ?

วันพุธที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Young people today

I think most young people today pay a lot of time for shopping, playing games and talking by mobile phone so it makes them spend a lot of money at the same time. Not many people care about their education seriously.

I think young people today, especially girls, are not being careful about their dress. Some people wear a very short pants or skirts in a public place so it makes people who older than them think about them in a bad way.

When I asked my sister about her first job, she said to me that she has a tattoo on her hand so it makes her boss not have a good opinion about her such as maybe she was a bad girl before she get a job etc.

The main thing that young people do everywhere is talking by mobile phone and it will make them spend a lot of money. So if they spend a lot of the time talking by mobile phone they will have to spend a lot of money too and if they are talking by mobile phone while they go outside, they will not relate with other people around them.

It's me

Hi My name is Tong, my friends call me “Haji or Black dog” .Now I’m 15 years old. I have a brown skin that is why my friends call me Black dog but I don’t mind because I’m a happy girl, always in a good mood. I hardly get angry with my friends.

In my free time I like to read mystery and crime investigation novels or watch CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) series with my mother. The more I watch the series the more I want to be one of the team but when I had a chemical class I decided it’s too difficult for me to make my dream come true. So I gave up.

Every year in April since I was 11 months old. I go for scuba diving with my father at Andaman Sea . I love to be in the sea because when I was young I have seen my father take pictures and videos of things under the sea and that made me want to do that when I grow up. When I was 12 my father taught me a scuba lesson. The first time I went down to the sea it was a really amazing place for me I love to see fishes around me. When I was diving I could see a lot of beautiful things under the sea. But sometimes I am afraid of sharks, jelly fish, and lion fishes.

This is just only a one part of me if you want to know me more so you can come to visit my blog often.

See you soon! have good day