วันอังคารที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you do something special or important?

When I do something special and show it to other people it makes me feel very nervous and worried because I am afraid that I will make a mistake or didn’t do it good enough. Such as when I have a concert I feel very nervous and worried so I make a lot of mistakes. After that I feel very bad because I did it well before a concert so I think I will do it good but it wasn’t be good like I expected and it makes my parents feel disappointed too.

The same as when I do an important thing, I feel very nervous and worried too, because the thing that I have to do is an important thing, so I should do it best. Such as when I have an exam I should get a good mark because my parents will be happy and also me too, but if I expect a lot about that I will never do it good. Or when I have to do an important thing for other people they will expect that I will make it good but if I can’t do it, I will make them feel disappointed and they won’t trust me anymore. So I will be very upset and I not want to do it again.

So I think if I didn’t do an important and special thing nobody will be disappointed in me but I know that it isn’t a good thing because I will avoid it forever. Now I find the problem about why I always feel nervous and not confident? So if I can find it I will solve the problem and I won’t make a mistake again. Such as if I feel nervous before a concert because I haven’t practiced enough I will spend more time for practicing my music. But if I have practice enough but I make a mistake on the stage I have to learn how to solve it by myself.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ohm กล่าวว่า...

When I did some special thing I felt very nervous too and I made a lot of mistakes. When I am standing on the stage many people look at me. I feel much pressure at me. So I confuse and make a lot of stupid mistake. I agree with you that the way to solve the problem is practice very hard before the concert. But I have another way to do when I’m standing on the stage I’m pretend that I’m standing there alone. Nobody else can see me and I’m just playing the music alone. I think that way can help you when you are in concert. But don’t worry nobody knows when you make a problem the most important thing is keep playing don’t let anybody know that you have a problem. Anyway your skill is brilliant don’t worry about anyone will criticize you.

Natanop Pimonsathain กล่าวว่า...

I do not felt nervous and worried when I did special things, my feel not same with you. I think you fear mistake. Every special or important things can has mistake. When you do special things, exactly mistake can happen anytime and anywhere. I think, you not necessary to afraid mistake or cannot do it better.
I agree with you that you afraid when you do exam. When we do exam, we should worry. Because the exams are very important for the future and parent are expecting us